
Yes Creator, We Are Ready

I am awake, I am alive, and as the sun rises and another day begins, I cannot help smiling and thinking to myself, “Yes Creator, we are ready.”

But how many of you just read that and thought, “Oh no, I’m NOT!”

Maybe you didn’t get enough rest this weekend. Maybe you dread what is waiting for you today. Perhaps you are far beyond caring.

No fear. Been there, done that. Like you, there were so many times I doubted who Creator made when he designed me but no longer, for I have come to realize I am ready.

Creator/life is not out to get you. This day was not made to torment you. Rather think of today as an excursion, a treasure hunt if you will, with Creator leaving you hints and clues at every turn.

That stranger you meet – perhaps you need to learn from that person. Perhaps you were meant to learn them. Perhaps not. You decide.

That event or action that brings you joy and leaves you feeling so full – remember that. Repeat that. Often.

And that human that challenges you – decide is this growth or is this someone you no longer need to be walking with? Don’t judge them. Simply decide.

Because we have choices. We like to believe we don’t because it is often easier to let someone else decide, so we can blame them. But we decide to let them.

With practice, we get really good at picking up hints and grabbing clues. We steer clear of obstacles much faster, and we choose with ease who we walk with. We learn that perfection is not required of our travel mates, although authenticity sure helps.

But then, with practice, we get really good at smelling fake as well.

So, rise up my friend, greet this day! The game begins soon. The clues await.

Are you ready?
Damn rights you are!

This path was designed for you and you alone after all, so you can acquire your unique wisdom, your unique teachings, knowledge you will one day share. It was made for you and you were made for this! Literally.

Beautiful, isn’t it?

That Creator, he sure is something else!

I love you, my friend!


***This is an excerpt from Sandi’s most recent book, “I am Awake …”. available for purchase on her website or Amazon***