
Welcome to My Life …

Come on in! Welcome … to my life.

There have been many changes over the years, some subtle colour changes, a darker tint here, a lighter shade there, while other areas have undergone major overhauls.

There was a time when I didn’t know who I was, where I stood or what I stood for, but I do now. It took years to develop my thoughts, dreams, goals, and aspirations and to discard nuances that had no place in my world.

I make conscious choices now, from little things like insisting on only wearing clothes that make me feel AMAZING, to choosing carefully, slowly and wisely who I call ‘friend’. I have many acquaintances, but the ones I share my soul with are few and far between and may or may not include those who I have chosen to share my body with.

Now I laugh with genuine enjoyment, not out of politeness, and I compliment from the heart and soul, not because it is the ‘polite thing to do’. I piss off many when I firmly defend my beliefs, customs, and traditions, but I do so authentically so there is no need (in my mind) to apologize.

Yes, it took me a long time to design this life I live now, but I love the results. I have chosen carefully what motivates me. I have realized what inspires me, and I cherish that which empowers me. I smile all the time now, from inside, no longer dependent on outside forces to make my day, my week, or my life.

I have claimed ownership of my life, my home, my body and my mind and I have no issue with carrying that burden. It was given to me completely with the death of my last parent and luckily, I was ready to stand strong (once the grief subsided), to claim my birthright.

As my Mother before me, I fully intend to honour the gift that is my life, to share it with those who matter most, and to leave it when my days are done, somehow better that when I entered it.

Live my friend. Live fully. Live strong.

After all, you only get to live ONCE.

I love you!