
We Work With What We Have …

All of us, each and every day, do the best we can with what we have. Based on the information presented to us, either presently or in our pasts, we move ahead and take whatever action we deem necessary.

But sometimes facts are concealed from us. Sometimes we trust those who are not trustworthy. We mistake lies for truths. We have faith in fools. It is during these times that our decisions, in retrospect, seem flawed. How could we have trusted them? How could we have been so blind?

Please my friend, at these times remember … you were not wrong to trust. You were not wrong to love. You acted from a place of love, trust, respect, and honesty, and you were not flawed in any way. If someone chose to use and abuse or to discard those cherished gifts, that is their wrong to carry, not yours. It is so vitally important to realize YOU DID NO WRONG, for without that realization, people in your future are destined to pay for your past.

So, my friend, love again as you did the first time. Trust again as you did the last time. Use your skills and instincts, but not past pains, to determine whom to share your world with. Do not let the scoundrels of the world harden you, for they were not worthy of your heart in the first place.

Discard them. They have taken enough of your time.

I love you!