
Walking my Talk

I am awake, I am alive, and this morning I am smiling as I enjoy the peace that comes from walking my talk.

Authenticity – a joy from within, a choice, and something I highly recommend for I have found that there are few things more satisfying than speaking and living your truth.

Case in point – since I posted on the topic, I cannot even COUNT how many times I have mentally checked in by asking myself, “Is this the human you want to be?”

I have asked it before I agreed to a contract, before I ate lunch, and before I chose to go workout which brings me to another step in this truth journey.

This morning I rose and as I was heading to my gym, I smiled and thought, “Yes, I am working out today because I LOVE this body. I don’t hate you (knowing my body was listening).”

So, know my amazing friend, that when I encourage you to plant seeds for your amazing future, I spend the rest of the day planting mine.

When I tell you to speak your truth with love, not hate or anger, I do same because we are in this together. Unpacking, learning, growing, as we morph into all we are meant to be, and I do believe that makes us AWESOME!

I love you!


***This is an excerpt from Sandi’s most recent book, “I am Awake …”. available for purchase on her website or on Amazon.ca.***