
Me and Maybe You …

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  Once upon a time, there was this little girl who believed she could be ANYTHING she wanted to be when she grew up. Why? Because her Daddy said so! But Daddy died when she was still quite young, so she sought refuge from her loss in the arms of a stranger. But as fate […]

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Thank You for My Angel …

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  Creator, in his infinite wisdom Saw that I was struggling And could no longer stand alone. That even my steadfast faith and beliefs Were being tested with the death of my mentor. He saw I needed help, More than he could provide through prayer or visions. So, he found me an angel with gifts […]

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The Circle of Life …

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  We have all heard of the Circle of Life. The seed grows into a tree that drops seeds that grow into more trees. The old trees die to make room for the new ones. It’s a story we have all heard a hundred times, one we have no doubt given little or no thought […]

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My Smile …

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  This morning I am full of energy with a huge smile on my face. Why? Because I gave myself the greatest gift last night – the gift of self-pride. To explain, last night I was bored stupid. My friends all had plans and I had nothing to do. I debated going to the movies […]

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