
Park Hopping and Other Treats

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  We didn’t have a lot when my children were growing up and very early on, I realized my personality and imagination were going to have to fill in where the pay cheque was insufficient. Thanks to my insane imagination, a lousy lunch of peanut butter sandwiches became cuisine at a French restaurant as I […]

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Hey Mom …

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TRIGGER WARNING: Post includes references to SIDS (crib death).   So, tell me, how did you do it? That morning that I sat with you and explained to you how I had found Fallon cold and lifeless in her crib, how did you stay so strong? How did you hold me and watch my heart […]

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Wings …

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  Oh, the sights I have seen in my travels! My wings are strong, and they have served me well. I have seen things I could not have even imagined as a child, and I have loved and cherished them all. But over time my wings grew tired. They were strong and they held me […]

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The City of Pain …

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  There it was — the city of pain. I could feel the dread inside myself increasing exponentially as the city lights got closer and closer. My mind was flooded with memories. So much pain, so much heartache, the physical pain of the past almost tangible. The flashes in my memory – seeing the kids […]

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