
This is a Marathon Not a Sprint

I am awake, I am alive and this morning, as I wipe the sweat from my face, I take a moment to appreciate and realize this is a marathon not a sprint.

I am Red Thunderbolt Woman you see. And just like the short-term experience of lightning, I can do anything short term. I can give a dramatic speech, post a thought-provoking statement, even tackle a project for an hour or a day or even a week.

But I wanted my business to last for more than a week.
Same too with my health and my life.

So, I had to learn that eating healthy for one meal meant nada if I destroyed the day’s intake a few hours later. I had to learn that a killer workout once every six months had a greater chance of bringing me injury than health.

And I had to learn that things worth having, take time to build.

Like the kid trying over and over again to beat the video game, I level up again and again. Same path with no allotment for complacency, disguised as comfort.

-For comfort in business, means I am losing ground, heading towards obsolete.
-Complacency in health means potato chips, too many nights on the couch, and a high blood pressure diagnosis.
-And complacency in life means disappointment, loneliness and general dissatisfaction.

So, this is me, showing up. Treadmill is done for the third day in a row. I am hitting my To Do List hard when I get to the office but first a message to you, my friend. God forbid you ever feel unimportant. God forbid you ever believe I don’t think and pray for you.

Because I do, every single day. Not once. Not quickly. But thoughtfully, day after day, because we are in this together my friend, for the long haul.

And we are nowhere near our final lap.

Let’s go!

I love you!


***This is an excerpt from Sandi’s most recent book, “I am Awake …”. available for purchase on her website or Amazon***