
The Summer of My Youth …

Smell the summer air. It is so calming, so beautiful in this place I call home. I have no idea what my future holds, but I can truly say I don’t care. That is a worry for the adults of this world. My worries are focused on more immediate things, like the city boy who has stolen my heart and what this weekend will entail. As it turns out …

He will hold me as I cry for the father I miss more than anything.

He will hold me in his arms as I give my innocence to him freely, without reservation in this place of beauty and peace.

He will show me what a confident man is and eventually he will break my heart, but he will always remain a memory. A memory of when my heart was young and full. A time when I had no idea of my strength, but I knew passion, passion as felt when I looked into his eyes or heard his voice.

He will remain a constant in my memory and will become as permanent as the high school that I attended or the Northern Lights that lit up a northwestern Ontario sky. His cabin will always represent my journey from child to young woman, a journey taken without reservation on a beautiful summer night.

I love you!