
The Remote

Do you have a goal you are dreaming of? Something you have been striving for and perhaps failed in your attempt a few times? Is there something that seems JUST beyond your reach?

Today, invoke the baby in you.

Think about it – a baby spies the remote on the coffee table, the one he sees his Dad play with time and time again. The baby struggles and pulls himself to standing and reaches … and falls bouncing his little head off the floor. Does he cry? DAMN RIGHT!! For days? Of course not. He cries long enough to get a hug. Right up until he sees the remote over his mother’s shoulder and vows to try again.

He will get the remote. He will learn to stand steady. He will learn to walk. Why? Because he DOESN’T give up and that baby is YOU. You learned to walk, you learned to run, and read, and live, and you DID REACH THE REMOTE eventually!

Invoke the baby in yourself today! Reach for that remote and KEEP reaching until you are flipping through channels beside the old man!

I love you!