
The gifts …

It amazes me how many enjoyable things come our way every single day and it saddens me to see how many people miss these gifts. If only they would RAISE their heads to see what Creator provides.

The example that comes to mind is dancing in the dairy section and no, I am not kidding. I was dating someone at the time, and he had this favourite song. We were home for the evening and realized we were low on staples (stuff for the kid’s lunches, milk, bread etc.), so off we went to the 24-hour grocery store to pick up what we needed.

There was nothing special about the evening, an average night for an average family, but as we entered the dairy section, we heard the store sound system and it was playing ‘his’ song. We were walking hand in hand and suddenly he stopped and smiled at me. He put down the basket he was carrying, and I began to laugh as I realized his intentions. We danced, right there in the dairy section. We smiled, and we loved.

After the song ended, he picked up his basket and we continued on our way, but we had not gone even five steps when a woman, a complete stranger, came up to us. “Thank you” she said. “Thank you for making my night!”, and off she went as we smiled, realizing she had watched us. We didn’t notice her, we were lost in our moment, our ‘gift’, but the fact that our love and our joy had made her smile made our event even more special.

Take the time today to notice the gifts. Notice the beautiful flower in bloom. Notice the smile on the stranger’s face at the cash register or in the elevator. Enjoy the sun or the rain. Enjoy … the gifts.

I love you!