
The FUTURE in the Making!

I am awake, I am alive, and today a very exciting journey continues!

History is history – it cannot be changed. Rather instead, it must be accepted, acknowledged, and when required, atoned for. But the FUTURE – now that is something just in the making and that we can change!

And today, once again, I get to do my part. Today, I continue my work with a national corporation, as what started as a request to write their “Indigenous Engagement Policy” morphs into their Corporate Engagement Policy.

Why the change?

Because respectful Indigenous engagement should be Canadian engagement. New relationship styles, as part of reconciliation, cannot be one section of a policy but rather must be a corporate shift, a new way of working and being, one that creates respectful work environments and contracts, one where Indigenous people feel welcome and at home, as opposed to marginalized.

And I am happy to say SOME are open to just that.

It must be noted that I didn’t approach them. They approached me, first to review their existing policy and then, when wide-spread change was suggested, to write their new policy. They deserve the kudos here. They are my hope.

But I won’t name them because this is their story. They should have the joy of showing what they have done. They deserve that moment.

Me … I am just so happy to be part of the process – a true change, an inspirational shift away from a past of disrespect and assimilation to a future where the Two- Row Wampum style of engagement is more than a concept or artwork on the wall.

The journey continues. I am ready. Are you?

Food for thought…

I love you!


***This is an excerpt from Sandi’s most recent book, “I am Awake …”. available for purchase on her website or Amazon***