
Thank You for My Angel …

Creator, in his infinite wisdom
Saw that I was struggling
And could no longer stand alone.
That even my steadfast faith and beliefs
Were being tested with the death of my mentor.

He saw I needed help,
More than he could provide through prayer or visions.
So, he found me an angel with gifts of understanding, support,
Encouragement, and guidance.

But Creator knew I do not reach out
That I was being blinded by my grief.
So, he wrapped this wonderful gift
In a package I could not miss and sent him to me,
The man of my dreams, all I ever wanted,
Bearing the gifts, I so desperately needed to hear.

His eyes made me smile, his laugh brought me joy
And his heart reached out and gently touched my soul.
Slowly, without thought, I smiled,
As he showed me the path back to the land of the living.

Thank you, Creator, for saving me,
for loving me, and for
My Angel.