
Please Take My Picture

There are a million ways to fend them off and I have mastered them all. A quick turning of the head, a hand swiftly raised to block the shot, a pleading ‘Please no’.

“Oh, thank God, it worked” I so often think to myself. I was successful in preventing the recording of my sins. What were they this time? Too fat perhaps? Silly grin? Bad lighting? Clothes less than flattering?

This morning as I awoke, my thoughts went to you and your beautiful, amazing smile captured forever in that picture that stood next to your ashes. I remember the creation of the ‘picture boards’. How the kids and I went through your albums in search of your spirit. As we combed the pages, we laughed, we cried, we reminisced, as the all-important healing slowly began.

Oh My God!! What have I done? Are there any pictures with the strength to help heal my children when it is their time to say good-bye? Are there any snapshots that will aid them in smiling through the pain?

I grin now as I realize how silly I was. The wise ones know the truth. It is our spirits that shine on that glossy paper, not our human shortcomings.

Creator, please guide my hand and head to stay where they are when camera or phone are raised and pointed in my direction. Guide my spirit to smile from the soul, rather than grimacing in apprehension. Let my mind remember that the photographers, whomever they may be, simply want to remember me, and surely a compliment such as this deserves something as simple as a smile.

So, take my picture. Shall I grin? A silly expression perhaps? Just one thing before you do. Did I mention that I love you?

I love you!