
One Person at a Time, One Seminar at a Time

I am awake, I am alive, and today the work continues. It has to…

Yesterday, in a room of predominantly non-Indigenous participants, amazing discussions on Indigenous Rights and the TRC were had. We talked about cultural clashes and how an ally’s job is not to heal or help but rather to hold space, to allow time for us to heal our own.

The conversations were lively. The questions grounded in genuine interest. Participants left with a profound feeling that things MUST change, and I was thankful for it all.

And then, I saw the news and the approval of the pipeline. I saw how First Nations who object to the pipeline are being ignored and it makes me ill. (To be clear, feel free to build it through Nations who have given consent, in the same way you would complete work in any municipality or home that has given consent to such work. BUT that in no way gives you permission to do work in the home of someone who said “No”, not in their home or municipality OR First Nation).

So, the work continues, because leadership still doesn’t get it, but they will. Because the children of my participants (and those of others doing similar work) may one day run a large corporation or run for a political position or their grand kids will. One person at a time, one seminar at a time, this conversation is shifting as one at a time, my participants prove they are more informed, more caring, more concerned than our Prime Minister is.

As coffers are once again put above Indigenous lives and the environment, the work continues because it has to, until we get this right.

Coffee, shower, work. I am on it!

Join me … please.

I love you!


***This is an excerpt from Sandi’s most recent book, “I am Awake …”. available for purchase on her website or Amazon***