
New Chapters

I am awake, I am alive, and so it begins. Not much time on the computer today as this morning I am at the office, supervising as techs install the internet and phones to support this amazing new chapter.

Then off to lunch with an amazing friend I just don’t see often enough.

Then packing as we near the final lap of this move.


New chapters just never get old to me. Thanks to parents that loved and laughed their way through every day, I welcome the new without desperately clinging to the old. New opportunities, new friends, even new music – all are appreciated in my world like new blooms in spring.

Yet on a quiet Sunday, it’s Mom’s records I play.

All a beautiful balance.

So today my friend, embrace whatever “new” you encounter. It is not a threat, and you are not “too old” until you decide you are. Just keep in mind, as long as you are open to new, life just never gets old.

Me? I will be DANCING in the new space today, flitting from office to office, dreaming of all the people we will help from that space and all the blog posts that will be written there.

Join me my friend, today let’s embrace the new. Let’s find some new!

Let’s DANCE!

I love you!


***This is an excerpt from Sandi’s most recent book, “I am Awake …”. available for purchase on her website or Amazon***