
My Smile …

This morning I am full of energy with a huge smile on my face. Why? Because I gave myself the greatest gift last night – the gift of self-pride.

To explain, last night I was bored stupid. My friends all had plans and I had nothing to do. I debated going to the movies by myself, even googled events in my area … but nothing. In the end, I decided to stay home and get some work done. You see, I work from home as a management consultant which means I don’t have normal office hours. I can choose to work on the weekends and spend time with my family on a Tuesday afternoon if I want to. I love the freedom my career allows me and last night that freedom allowed me a choice that I am very proud of.

With my decision made, I dove in. As always, as soon as I got into my work, I was absorbed into it. Ideas were flowing freely, visions appearing one after another. Soon I had a solid concept of what I can and will do with the following weekend’s workshop. By midnight, I was smiling at all I had accomplished, and with heavy eyes I headed to bed.

This morning, I am up early after a long and enjoyable sleep, smiling at all the work I have accomplished in the last 24 hours. Soon I head off for a healthy walk around my favourite lake and then home, to enjoy whatever comes my way on this amazing day.

So, why the smile? It’s simple. I could have gone out drinking last night. I could have over-eaten. I could have wasted money. I could have done a hundred things I would regret in the morning light, but instead … I produced, I worked, and I succeeded. This smile is earned. This smile is ALL mine and I’m going to enjoy it completely!

Today my friend, do yourself a favour, make some good choices and earn yourself an amazing smile!

I love you!