
Me and Maybe You …

Once upon a time, there was this little girl who believed she could be ANYTHING she wanted to be when she grew up. Why? Because her Daddy said so! But Daddy died when she was still quite young, so she sought refuge from her loss in the arms of a stranger. But as fate would have it, she soon found herself as a single mom. Still, in the back of her mind, were her Daddy’s words and although she worked as a secretary, barely making ends meet, she dreamed of being the boss one day.

That was me, so many years ago, and in 2008, I resigned from the Executive Director position of my firm. Yep, I WAS the boss, but it was time to chase another dream, a bigger more challenging dream! And I have achieved that dream. Now I enjoy a comfort level and opportunities few see. I will be in complete control of my destiny!

Now what about you? Do you have a dream you are pursuing? If so, let’s chat! I love the chance to banter with like-minded souls, the people who realize life IS what we make it. The ones who realize the only one to blame for our lives at this moment is ourselves and the choices we have made. We know if life is going to change, it’s up to us and that whining is a waste of precious time. We wear our hardships of the past like medals that prove how tough we are and keep going with the constant realization that life is just too short to do anything less.

But if you are not like us, if you are one of those who blames your life on everyone else, if you are one of those who are quite happy working 9 to 5 at an income level determined by someone else, if you are ‘going with the flow’ rather than ‘determining your destiny’ then I’m going to PISS YOU OFF! So, I suggest you just stay clear … or join us. The choice is yours!

I love you!