
I Didn’t Know …

I didn’t know that the last time I yelled, “It’s time to get up.”
That it was the last time because now you are old enough to decide
When to get up on your own.

I didn’t know that the last time you went off with your friends
That you weren’t coming back because now you are old enough
To live on your own.

I knew you were growing up, I just didn’t know how fast.
I knew one day you would leave, I just didn’t know that day had already come.

I knew I would cry the day you left
I just didn’t know how much or for how long.

Then I realized you were gone.
But that little voice was still in my head
The one that prayed you’d change your mind and come home.

I didn’t know so many things about you, my Babygirl
But I always knew how much I love you!

I love you!