
How You Gonna Do Today?

I am awake, I am alive, and this morning I am wondering,

“Okay Sandi, how you gonna do today?”

Because truth be told, yesterday’s packing – epic fail! Let me explain …

It never ceases to amaze me how I can make AMAZING decisions concerning my career, my life goals etc., but when it comes to taking care of my neck – FAIL!

Those who follow me know I have a permanent neck injury. A workplace injury in my 20’s robbed me of the “curve” in my neck, leaving the muscles in the back of my head solely responsible for holding my head up and the muscles in the front of my neck on permanent vaca.

(And please no health care suggestions. After this long, I do know what works for me.)

HAVING SAID THAT, lifting heaving weights of any kind is not something I will ever be able to do so … I hire movers. I know I am incapable of a move on my own but for SOME REASON those heavy boxes that I know I can’t haul to a truck or car … yeah, I thought packing them and lifting them to put in the hallway was okay. (Like magically their weight didn’t matter if I stayed on one floor or only walked a short distance.)

I was wrong, EPIC-LY wrong, resulting in me having to spend the entire evening and night in bed, removing the weight of my head from my ailing neck. (Ugh … after near 3 decades you would think I would know better.)

So, this is me, armed with a little more wisdom, determined to be SMARTER today. Tomorrow is the move. I got this.

And you my friend, is there an area of your life you keep failing in? Not because of physical limitations (we all have those), but as a result of your choices?

Today let’s smarten up! You with me?

I pray you are.

Here’s hoping!

I love you!


***This is an excerpt from Sandi’s most recent book, “I am Awake …”. available for purchase on her website or Amazon***