
Hello You!

I know you are out there, although I don’t your name. I know you are happy. I know you have accomplished things you are proud of and have accumulated knowledge from the things you didn’t. I know you wonder where I am sometimes, so I thought I would write and tell you I’m doing fine, although I am getting a little impatient waiting for you. (Aries thing, but then you know that.)

Career is going amazing as I work on my goals. Insanely busy schedule as always but then … so is yours. But that’s okay. Just means we understand each other, and you know I support your dreams as much as my own and one day, you and I will have it ALL!

Had a great evening last night, but I missed having you there. The music was amazing and although dancing with my girlfriends was WAY too much fun, looking up into your eyes would have made it all the sweeter, not to mention feeling your arm around me as I left. The bed did seem kinda big, kinda cold, but I knew you were thinking of me, so I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

Yes, I think of you often, everything from the laughs we will share to the way your eyes shine when your face is lit up with a smile.

Where are you?

I’m right here … and I miss you.

I love you!