
Ground Yourself …

Have you walked on Mother Earth in your bare feet? Have you felt the coolness on your skin as you stood still, allowing yourself to get lost in your thoughts for a precious, sacred moment? Often during our chaotic lives, we can feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and unsure of which way to turn. It is at these times that I always take one simple step … I take off my shoes.

There is something monumentally grounding about standing in your bare feet. Standing shoeless makes me feel strong, steadfast like a tree with its roots extending deep into the ground with no worries of being knocked over by an upcoming wind. With my body grounded in this manner, I take a deep breath and ponder the situation causing my confusion. Like a bird sitting high on a branch, I review details in a detached manner until I can see the road in the distance, a path that was not apparent to me when I was in the midst of the chaos.

I have used this method in the office and in my home and found it to be just as effective in both. There is no need to race outside, for I have found it is more of a mental connection than an actual physical one. (Although if you have that option, I highly recommend it. Nothing beats the real thing!)

So, my friend, the next time your world gets insane, imitate the child who is comforted simply by the touch of her mother’s hand. Touch Mother Earth. Let her heal you and comfort you. Regroup, find peace, then proceed once you have calmed your mind and renewed your soul.

She is always there, waiting to assist. All you have to do … is take off your shoes.

I love you!