
Do We Ever Really Know?

Funny, I know so much more now than I did in my younger years. So much more about what I want, what I need, and even what I can live without, but yet there are some mysteries that still escape me … like you.

You look into my eyes and seem to get lost, a beautiful smile escaping your lips. You can’t help but touch me if I am near, and if I am not, you move so that I am. You want my attention and chase it. We laugh as much as always and you seem to so enjoy my company, but …

You are not sure. You want guarantees and life doesn’t provide those. You were hurt and don’t want to be again, so you come close, but not too close. You want certainty and your desire is robbing us of moments together.

Am I kidding myself? Will we ever be together again?

I’m not sure. I just need to know soon before I lose too much time.

I love you!