
Creator Sends Us What We Need

I am awake, I am alive and for those of you who have followed my journey, you know that I believe Creator sends us what we need in the form of people and/or life lessons.

Our job – to figure out why he sent it.

Case in point – Oreo, my daughter’s elderly cat. My Babygirl had a cat from her youngest toddler days. In her 17th year, she had to say goodbye to her kitty, a moment forever etched in her memory. But shortly thereafter Oreo joined our lives, and nothing has been the same since.

But time does change things. My daughter – once a young teen, is now a married woman with two small, rambunctious children. Oreo, now a senior cat, was struggling with noise and nerves and a potential loss of sight. She needed quiet and peace. She needed a retirement home.

Living alone, my home is always quiet, with music or tv or keyboard-clicking often the only sound. So suddenly, I have a roommate and not one most would guess. You see, I am not a cat lover by any means, but Oreo is not a “cat” to me.

She is family. She is more than welcome.

And the surprise, the lessons behind her arrival!

Although I pride myself on my independence, Oreo has helped me to realize that I haven’t had to consider anyone else’s needs in some time, and that my skills in that area were beginning to atrophy as a result.

Now before leaving, I not only remember to grab keys but to turn the TV on, so she isn’t lonely. Now I must remember not only to buy food for me but to leave food out for her.

Oreo has taught me it is not about selecting who is perfect for us but rather, being open to recognizing who is. Having Oreo for a roommate wasn’t in my game plan but like with so many things we don’t plan, she has enriched my life, one purr at a time.

Thank you, Creator, for the lessons … and for Oreo.

I love you!


***This is an excerpt from Sandi’s most recent book, “I am Awake …”. available for purchase on her website or Amazon***