
Protect your parade …

| General

  A happy life is all we really want. Perhaps we think that it will be attained through a better or different job, more money, a partner, or another child, but the goal is the same. We simply want to BE happy. So, we take steps to ensure our happiness. We develop our positive attitudes. […]

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The gifts …

| General

  It amazes me how many enjoyable things come our way every single day and it saddens me to see how many people miss these gifts. If only they would RAISE their heads to see what Creator provides. The example that comes to mind is dancing in the dairy section and no, I am not […]

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I Still Can’t …

| General

  Sometimes it seems like decades ago, and other times, like yesterday. Two and a half years ago, I begged the doctors to leave my Mother alone and let her die. I did what I was raised to do, and in her last moment’s I defended the Mother who had defended me time and time […]

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I Remember … Today

| General

  To us, Saturdays were sacred, our ‘date night’, but it was so much more than a night. It was an entire 24 hours, a special mutual agreement to live life to the fullest. The day began at a casual pace, me in my jammies, sipping on a coffee, slowly waking while enjoying my favourite […]

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