
The Pure Souls …

| General

  They walk among us, disguised as normal, everyday human beings. In fact, I am certain that is exactly what they think they are, but I know they are so much more to the people fortunate enough to encounter them. I am not speaking of our considerate friends and acquaintances, the cherished people who can […]

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We Work With What We Have …

| General

  All of us, each and every day, do the best we can with what we have. Based on the information presented to us, either presently or in our pasts, we move ahead and take whatever action we deem necessary. But sometimes facts are concealed from us. Sometimes we trust those who are not trustworthy. […]

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Had to Do …

| General

  This morning, I am thankful for all the things I have “had to do” … I had to lie, to learn just how bitter it tastes. I had to lose love, so I could realize just how precious it is, no matter how long it lasts. I had to meet an abuser, to realize […]

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Wearing their shoes …

| General

  A few years ago, I had the opportunity to sit with a new friend who had just been forced to move home for the time being. Since she knew that her and her Mom tended to ‘bump heads’, she was nervous, especially since she was more the laidback type, and her Mom loved her […]

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