

| General

  I often think about who I would be if I hadn’t met him … I’d probably be a gourmet cook or at least a dang good one. But he ridiculed every attempt I made, no matter what cookbook I used as a guide. And it wasn’t that it was “okay” or “not bad”. My […]

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What We Choose to Accept

| General

  I am awake, I am alive, and this morning I am pondering acceptance and how we have to be damn careful what we choose to accept… I never really accepted a violent partner. I felt trapped, unsure how to get out, but sitting in that shelter with my children time and time again, I […]

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Walking my Talk

| General

  I am awake, I am alive, and this morning I am smiling as I enjoy the peace that comes from walking my talk. Authenticity – a joy from within, a choice, and something I highly recommend for I have found that there are few things more satisfying than speaking and living your truth. Case […]

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Teach Them

| General

  I am awake, I am alive, and this morning two words are echoing in my head – “Teach them”. Mom so often repeated, “Teach them how to treat you”. She reminded me that if I wanted others to be kind to me, I had to be kind to me. If I wanted respect from […]

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