
How You Gonna Do Today?

| General

  I am awake, I am alive, and this morning I am wondering, “Okay Sandi, how you gonna do today?” Because truth be told, yesterday’s packing – epic fail! Let me explain … It never ceases to amaze me how I can make AMAZING decisions concerning my career, my life goals etc., but when it […]

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New Chapters

| General

  I am awake, I am alive, and so it begins. Not much time on the computer today as this morning I am at the office, supervising as techs install the internet and phones to support this amazing new chapter. Then off to lunch with an amazing friend I just don’t see often enough. Then […]

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Moving On Up

| General

  I am awake, I am alive, and today … well, this is it. My last full office day in my home office. Tomorrow I am in the new space, as phones and internet are connected, then home to begin the final wave of packing. Friday is full on packing and Saturday, I move! And […]

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Eff You Racists

| General

  I am awake, I am alive and today I acknowledge a simple yet overwhelming fact – that as a teenager, I hated my skin colour. Truth be told, it is/was darker, even in winter, a shade never worn by the stunning beauties in the magazines. Lipstick, nail polish – they never looked the same […]

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