
This is a Marathon Not a Sprint

| General

  I am awake, I am alive and this morning, as I wipe the sweat from my face, I take a moment to appreciate and realize this is a marathon not a sprint. I am Red Thunderbolt Woman you see. And just like the short-term experience of lightning, I can do anything short term. I […]

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Creator Sends Us What We Need

| General

I am awake, I am alive and for those of you who have followed my journey, you know that I believe Creator sends us what we need in the form of people and/or life lessons. Our job – to figure out why he sent it. Case in point – Oreo, my daughter’s elderly cat. My […]

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A Determined Woman

| General

I am awake. I am alive. And this morning I demand of myself, “Who am I?” The answer – “A determined woman!” I am determined to be healthy … so my day started on the treadmill. I am determined to be successful, so my day started at 5:30 a.m. and will involve playing in my […]

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