
She Stood Up

| General

  She loved him. She adored him. But all too soon loving hugs Were replaced with suffocating grief. She cried because he had died But somehow, in time, she stood up. Babies are meant to squeal and cry To crawl and walk and play. But all too soon cries fell silent And a crib grew […]

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Appreciation and Appropriation

| General

  I am awake, I am alive, and today I am lost in thoughts of appreciation and appropriation, and just how often the first leads to the second… Gawd knows we love when non-Indigenous appreciate our offerings. Like best friends standing back-to-back, these people understand that we can see what they cannot and vice versa. […]

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The PATH to Healing

| General

I am awake, I am alive, and today it ends. Tonight, the wrap up – the final event marking the end of Survivors and Victims of Crime Week 2019 here in Atikokan, and I am so proud to have been part of this week, for so many reasons … This week, we held space for […]

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To Those Who Have Packed Their Pasts Away

| General

I am awake, I am alive, and this morning this journey that is Atikokan and the Survivors and Victims of Crime Week events continues. Today is a “work in my motel room” kinda day as I tend to some seed-planting for future endeavours. And then this evening, I have the honour and privilege of taking […]

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