
Don’t Be Silent

| General

I am awake, I am alive, and as I sit here this morning, workout done, day off to a healthy start, I remind myself there is much more work to be done… -Because yet another family grieves. -Because yet another child has lost his/her life to the rivers that surround Thunder Bay. -Because yet again, […]

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| General

  I am awake, I am alive, and today… the journey continues as I whittle away at the ambitious To Do List I set yesterday. Two more things… and done. I smile at the phrase, for any mention of the word “whittle” invokes memory of Dad, armed with an unimpressive pocketknife, turning some discarded branch […]

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Planting Seeds

| General

  I am awake, I am alive and today… I am planting seeds. I know the future I want, the crop I want to reap. But I know it won’t happen by chance, by luck, by lottery win or by prayer because just like “God”, Creator helps those that help themselves. So, this is me, […]

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The FUTURE in the Making!

| General

  I am awake, I am alive, and today a very exciting journey continues! History is history – it cannot be changed. Rather instead, it must be accepted, acknowledged, and when required, atoned for. But the FUTURE – now that is something just in the making and that we can change! And today, once again, […]

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