

| General

  I am awake, I am alive, and today one word is resonating in my mind… remember. Today, let us remember that with a gift comes responsibility. Let us remember that you, my dear friend, are the present-day manifestation of your blood line. Creator willing, one day you will have the honour and the privilege […]

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One Person at a Time, One Seminar at a Time

| General

  I am awake, I am alive, and today the work continues. It has to… Yesterday, in a room of predominantly non-Indigenous participants, amazing discussions on Indigenous Rights and the TRC were had. We talked about cultural clashes and how an ally’s job is not to heal or help but rather to hold space, to […]

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I’m Ready!

| General

  I am awake, I am alive, and I am ready! Ready as I await info on travel arrangements. Ready with bags packed. Ready for whatever Creator sends. Yes, after a weekend of rest to offset my neck pain, I am most definitely ready to be productive again. I took my time to heal. Now […]

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A Really Bad Day

| General

  I am awake, I am alive, and today my journey continues at a slow, appreciative pace. (Nothing like a really bad day to help you appreciate the good ones.) Yesterday can only be described as “a really bad day” with pain at a magnitude I haven’t felt in YEARS. Truth be told, for most […]

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