
Pow Wow …

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  Contentment … sheer and utter contentment … there is no other way to describe how I feel right now as I reflect on the weekend just ended. I cannot put into words how it felt to walk into the arena that once scared me so, but this time walking in as a confident, adult […]

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And Then It Happened, Just As It Was Meant To …

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  If you are brave enough to let Creator guide how it happens, you might just get what you want… Years ago, I left this city. I had been a jingle dress dancer. I had been a wife. I had been a full-time Mom. I was none of those things anymore. I abandoned all of […]

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The Summer of My Youth …

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  Smell the summer air. It is so calming, so beautiful in this place I call home. I have no idea what my future holds, but I can truly say I don’t care. That is a worry for the adults of this world. My worries are focused on more immediate things, like the city boy […]

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Who Am I?

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I am a past executive working hard to attain my goal of being an amazing, inspirational, motivational speaker. To do this, it is essential that I maintain a healthy, positive, high-energy life. By choice I hang with outgoing, positive, happy people as they help me achieve my goals one day at a time. Any man […]

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