
Transition …

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  As I sit here enjoying all that my life has become, I can’t help but realize the pain I went through to get to this place. I am reminded of the Christian term ‘baptism of fire’ as I reflect. Somehow it seems a fitting term for the process that had me reborn into the […]

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Do We Ever Really Know?

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  Funny, I know so much more now than I did in my younger years. So much more about what I want, what I need, and even what I can live without, but yet there are some mysteries that still escape me … like you. You look into my eyes and seem to get lost, […]

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Start the Ride …

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  Listen to the carousel As the horses begin to move And the ride begins … A nice photograph An email is sent As the horse begins to walk. A few laughs exchanged And then a phone number As the horse begins to trot. Plans made Drinks perhaps, tonight? As the horse begins to gallop. […]

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Humble Beginnings …

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  I don’t even have to close my eyes to envision the home of my youth. “The barn” as Dad would call it, that huge wooden structure held together with love and Dad’s carpentry skills. When we lost Dad, that reality became obvious as the structure began to show its age with incredible speed … […]

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