
Angels Among Us …

Yep, sometimes life is hard and sometimes you wonder if you have what it takes to get through. But sometimes, just sometimes, GREAT things happen. Sometimes Creator sees what you need and sends people your way, just when you need them the most.

These people are truly a gift. Their words, their insight, their very being can brighten your world and make you believe that the impossible suddenly is not only possible, but a goal within your grasp!

They do not carry you. Rather they inspire you to stand tall and smile from your soul, and after such a long, dark time of doubt and insecurity, you suddenly realize it feels so very good to smile again.

These people are truly angels, who dare to brave the dark and share their light. Our job is only to recognize them, appreciate them, and do our very best to light our own lamps so we may join them in enlightening the world.

Because Creator knows, this world needs much more light.

I love you!