
A Determined Woman

I am awake. I am alive. And this morning I demand of myself,

“Who am I?”

The answer – “A determined woman!”

I am determined to be healthy … so my day started on the treadmill.

I am determined to be successful, so my day started at 5:30 a.m. and will involve playing in my office.

I am determined to make a difference, so today I will get things done! But first, in between my workout and my shower, I take a few moments to write this post.

After all, my words might just inspire a thought or action deep inside you, making the effort on my part so worth it. So, who am I?

A woman living her purpose.

A woman determined to reach her goals because I say I can!! (Rendering the opinion of others unimportant.).

A woman who loves you.

Live your best life today my friend. You only get this one.

I love you!

***This is an excerpt from Sandi’s most recent book, “I am Awake …”. available for purchase on her website or Amazon***