
The Circle of Life …

We have all heard of the Circle of Life. The seed grows into a tree that drops seeds that grow into more trees. The old trees die to make room for the new ones. It’s a story we have all heard a hundred times, one we have no doubt given little or no thought to … until you experience it.

Personally, I didn’t bat an eye at the idea when I was a seed, growing up to become a strong and impressive tree. I didn’t think much of the whole “droppin’ seeds” process, but I thoroughly enjoyed watching my seeds mature and become strong healthy trees on their own. Quite the impressive forest we made, until it was time to make room, and my Mother died.

In an instant, I understood the cycle at a deep, personal level. Then time passed and I began to struggle with the fact that I am now one of the elder trees in the forest and yep, I know what means! Firewood.

But still, even though I know things go downhill for me in the distant future, I can’t help but close my eyes and envision the mighty oak, now at full strength and size – how beautiful, how strong.

Yes, I am full grown now, at my utmost power, so this is time to stand and enjoy the sun. The future will come eventually but right here, right now, this is anything but a dark time.

I love you!