
The Pure Souls …

They walk among us, disguised as normal, everyday human beings. In fact, I am certain that is exactly what they think they are, but I know they are so much more to the people fortunate enough to encounter them.

I am not speaking of our considerate friends and acquaintances, the cherished people who can always be counted on to lend an ear, to offer an encouraging word, or to perform a selfless deed. They are special and we are blessed to have them in our lives, but I am speaking now of the people I refer to as ‘pure souls’. They are mere acquaintances or complete strangers who perform some act completely and totally from the heart, showing ever-so-briefly the purity and beauty of their souls.

Interaction with these ‘pure souls’ makes you stop in your tracks, no matter how hectic or chaotic your day. You stop and realize that you suddenly have an overwhelming desire to drop to your knees to thank Creator, God, or whatever higher being you believe in for blessing you with this gift, this chance encounter.

I met one today, or rather, realized someone I had met previously was one. To explain, those close to me know the tattoo that I wear so proudly on my left bicep has very deep personal meaning to me. Today, I returned to the spiritual artist who created if for me, travelling a distance far greater than the nearest tattoo parlor, for he was the only one I felt I could trust with something so sacred to my very being.

I went back so he could make a final addition to my tattoo, to correct an oversight on my part. I had him add one more eagle feather to honour the soul of the baby girl I lost so long ago. Now her feather sits alongside those representing her brother and sister, as it should.

Before starting, he asked the significance of this addition. He knew the meaning behind the other portions of my tattoo and wanted to hear the reasoning for my request. Again, he honoured the spirituality behind it with his own caring and understanding.

After he finished, I approached the counter to pay. Adam was still at his workstation, so I waited. As I reached for my wallet, he called out to me and when I looked up, he simply stated, “Don’t worry about it”. My heart leapt to my throat as I attempted to grasp what he was doing. He went on to explain “Fallon is your daughter. Her feather should have always been there. It was incomplete. Consider today’s work a touch up”.

This is Adam’s livelihood. A charge for something so special was so worth it to me. Yet with his simple, unselfish, pure statement he honored all that this tattoo and all that my daughter’s memory means to me. It was a pure act from a pure soul, and as I got into my car, the tears ran free for having been so blessed.

Stinger Tattoo in Richmond Hill – ask for Adam. If you would be so kind, and please, tell him Sandi says thank you.

I love you!
Thanks for listening!