
Wearing their shoes …

A few years ago, I had the opportunity to sit with a new friend who had just been forced to move home for the time being. Since she knew that her and her Mom tended to ‘bump heads’, she was nervous, especially since she was more the laidback type, and her Mom loved her home to be immaculate.

I laughed and shared how her story reminded me of the days when my kids were teenagers. I shared with her how demanding my job was and how at the end of the day, I often found myself totally exhausted. An hour’s ride home didn’t help and often when I walked in the door I found the typical teen scene in my living room – teens laughing, playing Nintendo, pizza boxes and empty pop cans everywhere.

I shared how this scene was often the last straw for me, that in my state of sheer exhaustion the thought of cleaning was more than I could take, pushing me to the brink. I finished my story by laughing at my joy that those days were behind me. That’s when I noticed her face.

My friend was sitting there, wide-eyed, with her mouth open. She explained how she had never thought of how her Mom felt coming home from her demanding job, and how my story had made her realize that maybe her Mom wasn’t just being a pain. Maybe she needed help.

I was reminiscing and laughing at past hard times, but I am so glad my words helped my friend. Is there someone in your life frustrating you? Have you walked a mile in their shoes? Perhaps … you should.

I love you!