
Protect your parade …

A happy life is all we really want. Perhaps we think that it will be attained through a better or different job, more money, a partner, or another child, but the goal is the same. We simply want to BE happy.

So, we take steps to ensure our happiness. We develop our positive attitudes. We catch ourselves when we are whining or complaining and stop the process immediately. When something isn’t working in our lives, we no longer blame others. Instead, we look at our actions to determine what led us there. We change what we are doing, so that our future is not our past.

Armed with these new tools, our lives soon begin to change, and we are blessed with positive new friendships, new opportunities, happiness … and perhaps fear. After all, before the changes, we lived in survival mode, hanging on from one hardship to the next. When our ship finally does come in, it might take a minute for us to stop looking for the iceberg, choosing instead to simply enjoy the view.

Today, my friend, do not sit on your tropical island and complain about the heat! ENJOY your new life, your new friends, and your new opportunities! Positive focus got you here; negative focus will take it away so please, choose to BATHE IN THE SUN!!

You have waited so long for this, after all. Don’t let self-inflicted clouds come in and rain on your parade.

I love you!