
I Still Can’t …

Sometimes it seems like decades ago, and other times, like yesterday. Two and a half years ago, I begged the doctors to leave my Mother alone and let her die. I did what I was raised to do, and in her last moment’s I defended the Mother who had defended me time and time again, yet now, could not defend herself.

It took months and months to resign myself to how things end, to let go of the guilt and the pain, and the hurt. It took many hours of pain, many more tears, and the advice of a good friend to get me through, but I did it and I grew stronger still.

So much has changed since then. People have come and gone. Some close friends grew distant, and some acquaintances became trusted allies. My children grew, learned, and embarked on a life path of their choosing, and I couldn’t be prouder.

But this night, just when I thought I had moved on, I came across the letters to my Mom, letting her know I was fine in my new southern home, even though I had moved so far away from her loving care. There they were, and as soon as I realized what they were … I closed the box.

One day I will read them. One day I will cherish them. Today isn’t that day and I’m okay with that.

I love you!