
I Remember … Today

To us, Saturdays were sacred, our ‘date night’, but it was so much more than a night. It was an entire 24 hours, a special mutual agreement to live life to the fullest.

The day began at a casual pace, me in my jammies, sipping on a coffee, slowly waking while enjoying my favourite country music playing loudly in the living room. After that, I got dressed for my nail appointment, while he washed away the week’s stresses by scrubbing out the house (his choice HONESTLY!). Upon my return, a drink to relax, a card game perhaps — no rush, just the overwhelming need to savour our day. Soon I would jump in the shower. Afterwards, I would dress as he showered, then we would switch places again. He would smile, fully cognizant of the fact that once I hit the bathroom it could be hours before he would see the inside of that room again! The music was rock or dance now as I applied my makeup. When finished, I would join him in the living room, another cocktail, a private dance perhaps, then off to our favourite club to dance the night away. It was our night, our Saturday night.

Those days are long gone now. His path and mine diverged a long time ago, but that doesn’t diminish the joy of those days in any way. You see, I realized a long time ago that the end of a relationship does not take away the joy of the beginning or the middle. So, this morning, I am dancing around in my jammies in my living room, coffee cup in hand, with CMT cranked.

It is a great day to remember, and an even better day to live!

I love you!