
Tonight …

I sit here tonight amazed at the time, at how late it is and how … I have yet to go to bed, and then I smile when I think of the reasons why.

No, I didn’t have a delightful date that kept me up all hours, and no, I wasn’t the young Mom walking her child back and forth in search of sleep for her child and herself. I was alone with my life and my dreams on this night, and it was good, real good.

I spent the evening unpacking paperwork as I finished setting up the office in my new home. I sorted, added to my To Do List, discarded this, filed that, and it was good. Then my attention turned to my next book, the one that I just haven’t been focusing on of late. As I began to work on it, I remembered the successful formula that had allowed me to finish my first!

Set a date and that I did!

As before, once the deadline was set, I calculated how many pages I would have to complete each day to meet my goal. The smile was genuine as the answer revealed a VERY attainable goal. With this new goal and a plan, I begin … accomplishing the required pages for today and even a few into tomorrow’s quota.

Yes, it is late, and I am very tired, but I go to bed happy and content, with my plan in place, my goal guaranteed, and my needs met. Perfect!

I love you!