
Your Beautiful New Eyes

Walk with me. Hold my hand as we go through your day. I want to see your world, but more importantly, I want you to see your world through my eyes …

In the morning, when the alarm goes off and you grumble that you wish you could stay in bed, I’m going to peek over the edge of your mattress and smile as I turn up the radio. I will point out that your favourite song is playing and that you have a whole wonderful day of surprises and opportunities ahead of you … and then, I will tickle you until you giggle.

When you hit the shower, I will call through the door to remind you to take a second and feel how amazing the hot water feels on your skin. I will ask you to clear your mind and just enjoy your personal sauna, your mini vacation in the steam, and I will smile when I hear your sigh of contentment.

I will stand next to you as you reach for your clothes and suggest that you put on your favourite outfit, not because it’s a special day but because YOU are special, and I will smile at the transformation I see in you. This outfit makes you feel confident, strong, and beautiful, and since I know you already are … it makes sense that you wear it.

We head outside and hop on the bus, and I point out the cute little kids playing on the sidewalk, the handsome man lost in his newspaper, and the woman with the worried face. We guess at her challenges and make a point of smiling at her when we get out, hoping to have brightened her day just a little.

We say hello to all we pass, smiling and giggling at their reaction. They wonder why we are so happy, but they can’t resist smiling back, and we can’t help feeling better just knowing we made them smile.

We hit the coffee shop before the office. We not only buy our coffees, but we pay for the one for ‘whomever is standing behind us’ without even looking, and then we giggle LOUDLY when we realize it’s a cute guy. We hustle our tushes outside before he realizes what happened, and I catch a blush on your cheek.

I hug you just before you go inside your office and remind you that it is up to you now to continue this feeling, to look at the world from a place of happiness, to spread joy and not add to the misery.

Then finally, we make plans for later so you can tell me all you saw through your beautiful new eyes.

I love you!