
Why is Being Happy …

So, tell me something, why is being happy conditional on it lasting? Why when something GREAT happens do we look for the loopholes? Instead of just enjoying that great new apartment, why do we look for cracks in the drywall? When that new guy looks at us, why do we tell ourselves “He’s probably married”?

It never ceases to amaze me, this fear of being happy. We have no issue with being pissed off for a while or being depressed. We can justify those, but for some reason we have no desire to be happy because ‘it will never last”.

Guess what people, Christmas doesn’t last either!! Neither did that great first date, nor did your childhood or anything great that has ever happened to you, but then neither did your heartache, your disappointment, or that day last spring that was STRAIGHT from hell.

The reason often given, ‘it hurts too much when it ends’. Wow! Okay you are right. Don’t have kids because they are going to grow up eventually. Don’t start school because it will end, and don’t EVER date because even if you truly love each other, one of you will eventually die. COME ON!!!

Today, get out there and LIVE YOUR LIFE! Dare to be happy! The clouds will come in their own due time, no need to rush them in, and the sunshine so deserves to be enjoyed. So, smile from the soul, and make your own amazing day!

The choice IS up to you!

I love you!