
Acceptance and Affect

I believe it is a basic human desire to be accepted for who we are, to be loved flaws and all by someone we love. But of late, I have come to realize that it is so much more than just ‘being yourself’, for I believe along with the requirement of authenticity comes the responsibility to recognize and acknowledge our effect on the people around us.

Case in point – we explain a task to one of our staff. They relay back to us that they are confused by our instructions. We repeat the instructions, slowing our delivery. The staff person shares that they are still confused. A good manager, at this point, changes his wording, and adjusts his delivery to find phrases and words that his staff can comprehend.

The same concept applies to our relationships with our loved ones. If we love someone and we know they are not of the ‘morning person variety’, do we continue to attempt to engage them in conversation at 6:00 a.m., or do we allow them the time they need to adapt to sunlight?

We have the right to be ourselves, and in fact we owe it to the people around us to be genuine, but in being authentic we must never lose sight of the fact that not everyone sees the world or hears our chatter with the same set of eyes and ears.

After all, if we truly want to convey a thought or emotion, the needs of the receiver are as essential as the intent of the deliverer.

I love you!