
Wings …

Oh, the sights I have seen in my travels! My wings are strong, and they have served me well. I have seen things I could not have even imagined as a child, and I have loved and cherished them all.

But over time my wings grew tired. They were strong and they held me aloft for a very long time, but even the mighty eagle grows tired, and soon I found I needed to rest.

I realized it was time to head home. So, I turned my head to the north, the direction of the wise ones. I returned to the land of my forefathers, and there my children waited. Their smiles fed my soul, and the sounds of the bush made me smile with contentment. But still I searched, searched for a place to rest.

And then, you sent me him, the one I needed, a traditional man in every sense of the word. He is Ojibwe like me. He is strong in his commitment to those that love and need him. He does not shy from hard work or personal struggle. No, he stands tall as the warrior he is, and he meets each day, each challenge with a smile and a laugh. He raises his children alone as he wonders where his mate is. He works hard and he enjoys his life, but at night he cannot deny how lonely he feels without his partner.

So much makes sense to me now, so much of what I have lived is now clear. They were lessons I needed … to bring me to you.

We have earned this, and it is time.
I love you!