
The City of Pain …

There it was — the city of pain.

I could feel the dread inside myself increasing exponentially as the city lights got closer and closer. My mind was flooded with memories. So much pain, so much heartache, the physical pain of the past almost tangible. The flashes in my memory – seeing the kids covered in my blood, seeing myself in the mirror, the swollen, bruised face, closing my eyes and thinking I would never see my children again.

And then, the final heartache – abandoned, discarded, like yesterday’s garbage.

That’s what this city contained for me, but that is the past and now my children are here enjoying their own versions of a beautiful future. It’s the only reason I came back, and I prayed, prayed that the positive light and strength of my children would overcome the pain of the past.

I am happy to say – it did.

I love you!