
Who Am I?

I am a past executive working hard to attain my goal of being an amazing, inspirational, motivational speaker. To do this, it is essential that I maintain a healthy, positive, high-energy life. By choice I hang with outgoing, positive, happy people as they help me achieve my goals one day at a time. Any man I choose to date would have to be of the same mindset – someone happy with life, someone positive and upbeat, someone who knows the power of a good laugh. In exchange, he will get a woman who encourages his dreams, who fills his life with laughter, who reminds him what it’s like to truly enjoy life, the one who helps him be a kid again. I’m thinking that this is a pretty good exchange.

What do I want? I want normal. I want mature. I want comfortable. I want exciting. I want fun. I want lighthearted. I want real. I want a healthy, adult relationship and all that it entails. I want the dating, the fun, and the looking forward to seeing you again. I want the first kiss and holding hands. I want renting a movie and forgetting to watch it. I want the walk in the park and the stroll in the rain. I want the chance to encourage you and the opportunity to piss you off. I want amazing sunsets and beautiful sunny days. I want Sunday drives, sleepovers, and weekends away. I want intelligent conversations and stupid jokes. I want quiet moments and moments of sheer excitement. I want evenings that end too soon, and mornings that come too fast. I want to miss you when you are gone and enjoy you when you are here. I want the great first date, and the great tenth. I want it all!

Who do I want it with? I don’t know. Although I do know I’m attracted to tall guys. It would help if he’s someone who enjoys my enthusiasm and high energy. Someone who takes care of himself would be cool. Someone positive (negative need not apply). Someone who believes in dreams and the possibility of achieving them. Someone funny and confident without arrogance. Someone who is comfy looking into my eyes and who might even consider getting lost in them (insert wink here). Someone who intrigues my mind while enticing my body (‘nuff said). Someone with stories to share and laughs to offer along with his hand. I will admit an attraction to the ‘bigger boys’, the broad shouldered, thicker dudes whose bear hugs are to die for. It’s a northern girl ‘thang’. Athletic is nice, but skinny just makes me wanna feed you. While we are at it, I don’t have time for conceit, anger issues, or guys looking to get laid (although if you could leave your number … err nevermind).

I just want normal, without boring, and fun, without pressure. I want the chance for more without the cages that make it icky. I want to see what works for US.

I love you!