
Self-Care is Essential Care

I am awake, I am alive and this morning all I am thinking is self-care is essential care…

As a younger woman, we didn’t speak of “mental health”. Rather we just accepted “how people were”. Personally, I just knew that some days I was on top of the world and on others, I had zero coping mechanisms at all. I didn’t think there was an answer.

Enter my “single mom with two young’uns” stage. Working full time with a 2- and 4-year-old had its challenges. I soon realized I could die or I could compromise, so compromise I did.

Dishes were done on the weekends (thank you 5 sets of dishes) as was laundry. Preciously short evenings were spent with my children and Wednesdays we ALL went to bed at 7 pm, including Mama.

As they aged, I began to view sleep as an “escape”, a mini vaca as you will. When life got overwhelming, nap time it was, for in my dreams everything was wonderful.

It was my ex-husband who made the correlation first. He wasn’t dumb enough to tell me I “needed” to take a nap. Rather he would notice my irritability and respond with, “You know what hon. You have been working so hard. I got this. Why don’t you go take a nap?”

Somehow life was always easier when I woke up. It wasn’t until after he left that I put the two together.

Nowadays, I know exhaustion is truly my enemy for it brings depression and self-doubt with it. Now I again set limits to avoid overload and I impose them without guilt. Case in point – yesterday was a half day for me. I did what was needed done for today, knowing the rest can be done later. I left at noon, shut off the phone, and slept.

The result – amazing productivity! After my mental health nap, I was able to unpack from my trip, tidy my home, do my laundry and even iron my dress, all in preparation for today’s seminar.

(I smiled as I typed that, smiled as again I was reminded that when I take care of me, I am able, in turn, to take care of life’s demands. The order is EVERYTHING!)

Today I am rested and once again in LOVE with my life so today I simply ask… to whatever extent possible my friend, live YOUR best life.

Nourish your body with good food and rest, please rest. To hell with what others think of your home, your habits or whatever.

You first! After all, you will need rest to deal with them.

I love you!


***This is an excerpt from Sandi’s most recent book, “I am Awake …”. available for purchase on her website or Amazon***