
At the Helm

I am awake, I am alive, and again today I sit at the helm of this amazing journey I am living, commonly known as “my desk”.

I smile as I sit in the office chair, long ago warped to perfectly fit my butt. Here my dreams become words shared with the world in a blog post, as part of a speech, or brought to life in a seminar. Here I pray to Creator to help me to help them. Here I think of them. Here I think of you.

So again today, I pray for you…

Help them Creator, to see who you designed them to be, not the version their worst fears have conjured. Help them to see their past as an educational journey, not a prison; as a foundation, not a definition of who they are to be. Help them to see past each “No” they received to those who are longing to help. Help them… to get out of their own way.

As I begin yet another workday, this I pray. I am so good Creator. I want for nothing. So please, take all you would have given me and give it to them. Send them angels, just like the ones you sent to me.

Help me, help us, to be angels. This I pray.

I love you!


***This is an excerpt from Sandi’s most recent book, “I am Awake …”. available for purchase on her website or Amazon***